Don’t Like Tofu?
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If you don’t like tofu, you are not alone. Tofu is disliked by almost everybody I know, including yours truly :)
Are you a tofu-hater? Do you absolutely not like tofu? So do I! I am a very adventurous eater, and I like virtually all kinds of food as long as they are prepared in the right way. However, I simply despise tofu! I do not like tofu no matter how it’s prepared, how artfully it is displayed and how trickily it is disguised. I leave tofu on the bottom of the miso soup bowl and pick it out of the pad thai :)
As someone who loves to cook and to eat, I don’t give up on a particular ingredient very easily. Most yucky dishes are this way because of the bad cook :) For example, many people dislike broccoli, especially when it’s overcooked and turns into a mushy mess with a nasty texture. However, most of those very same broccoli haters will gobble up properly roasted broccoli!
So I was trying for quite a while to find a way to like tofu – I’ve even tried it in the fanciest restaurants prepared by the famous chefs… but I finally have given up on tofu. Tofu makes me want to gag! It’s not even the taste of tofu… There is just something creepy about tofu! Fake meat – yikes! And that weird texture of the fake meat – yuck.
If you hate tofu, don’t feel bad – it’s not you, it’s the tofu :) If you are trying to avoid meat, but still have eggs and dairy, there is no need to even think about tofu – you get plenty of protein already. Even if you are trying to go vegan but hate tofu, there are still other sources of protein – like beans and nuts!
If you thought that eating tofu is a good idea for health reasons, think again – the new research shows that tofu is not even good for you. Tofu is a highly processed food, a common food allergen, plus eating too much soy products like tofu can screw up your hormones!
There is nothing wrong with not liking tofu. If you hate tofu, there is no reason to keep forcing it down your throat. Why eat tofu where there is plenty of other good stuff to eat! Say “No” to tofu – eat real food instead.
Tofu is not a “highly processed food” and should not be lumped together with other types of processed soy products. Tofu was invented in China during the 2nd century B.C. and was never intended to be a “meat substitute”, the idea of it being such is a modern Western invention. Tofu is a fermented food and has many health benefits. I’m sorry you are unable to enjoy delicious tofu but please don’t spread misinformation and pass your clearly biased views onto others.
Also, beans and nuts are loaded with anti-nutrients and should not be consumed in excess, in the long term this can cause health problems over the years. I am speaking from experience as I have been vegan for 8 years and vegetarian for over twice as long. Tofu despite being made from soybeans does not have this issue because of chemical changes during fermentation. Finally, the whole spiel about phytoestrogens in soy causing hormonal problems is a myth.
Wow, this is so wrong. Main issues with ultra processed foods are the saturated fats, high salt/ sugar content, certain preservative/preserving processes. Tofu has none of these issues. The hormone comment is so inaccurate – phytoestrogens are fine, and they are not specific to soy.
Melanie obviously has an arbitrary moralism abut food (nobody needs a reason to not like a food like tofu) and is trying to find a reason that she should be excused from not liking tofu. Live and let live, but don’t make stuff like this up. People might change how they live by this which is so limiting.