Frozen Diced Potatoes In Air Fryer

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Air fryer is great for cooking frozen diced potatoes! Just put potatoes in the air fryer and it will cook them to perfection! Air fried diced potatoes are golden brown, crispy and delicious!

frozen hash browns in air fryer basket

Air Fryer Frozen Diced Potatoes

These frozen diced hashbrowns in the air fryer are a real treat and the ultimate comfort food. These are the perfect side for breakfast or brunch along with some eggs!

I especially love how perfectly crispy they are able to get in the air fryer. There is nothing more disappointing than soggy potatoes!

frozen hashbrowns in air fryer basket

You can serve these hash browns up with other homemade fast-food favorites, or you could go the healthier route and choose some vegetable sides. Either way, these diced potatoes are very satisfying and cooked to perfection.

My entire family loves them every time I make them!

air fryer diced potatoes

How To Make Frozen Diced Potatoes In The Air Fryer

Start to make these amazingly easy diced potatoes by first spraying the fryer basket with nonstick cooking spray. This will guarantee that your potatoes will not end up getting stuck!

diced frozen hash browns bag in front of air fryer

Then, fill the basket in an even layer with the hash browns. Try not to overlap too many of the potatoes so they will cook evenly.

diced potatoes in air fryer

Next set the temperature to 400F and the time to 15 minutes.

After 5 minutes, remove the basket and pour the potatoes into a large mixing bowl. Now that they are defrosted, you can add a few tablespoons of olive oil to coat the potatoes. Then season with salt and pepper, unless your potatoes are pre-seasoned.

frozen hashbrowns in air fryer basket

Then return the potatoes to the air fryer basket. Continue cooking for 5 more minutes.

Remove the basket and shake to ensure even browning on all the potatoes. Return air fryer basket and let finish cooking.

The potatoes should be golden brown and crispy when done. You can always cook a few more minutes if you want them to be more well done.

air fryer basket with frozen hashbrowns

Remove and enjoy!

air fryer basket with diced potatoes

What To Serve With Crispy Air Fried Diced Potatoes

There are all kinds of delicious things that you can serve with these hash browns! They would be so flavorful and delicious served alongside a condiment, like this homemade BBQ sauce!

air fryer cooked diced potatoes on plate

I like to serve them for brunch with my Scrambled Eggs With Green Onion or Spinach Feta Scrambled Eggs.

close up of crispy diced potatoes

More Air Fryer Recipes

If you enjoyed this recipe for frozen diced potatoes, you should try these other air fryer recipes. They are all so fast and easy, perfect for a quick lunch or dinner!

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Air Fryer Frozen Diced Potatoes

These air fryer frozen diced potatoes are amazing! Just put frozen diced hashbrowns in the air fryer and it will cook them to perfection! Golden brown and crispy, so yummy!
Prep Time1 minute
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time16 minutes
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: diced potatoes, hashbrowns
Cooking Method: Air Fryer
Diet: Vegetarian
Servings: 4
Calories: 70kcal

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  • 12 oz Frozen Diced Potatoes
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil Optional
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Recommended Kitchen Tools (click the links below to see the items used to make this recipe)


  • First spray the air fryer basket with non-stick cooking oil spray
  • Open the package of potatoes and pour into the basket, trying to fit in a single layer.
  • Set temperature to 400F and time to 15 minutes.
  • After 5 minutes of cooking, remove the basket and pour the defrosted potatoes into a large mixing bowl.
  • Drizzle the potatoes with 1-2 Tbsp olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. (Unless pre-seasoned). Stir.
  • Return potatoes to air fryer basket.
  • Continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Then remove the basket and shake potatoes for even browning.
  • Return basket to air fryer and finish cooking.
  • Serve hot and enjoy!
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Serving: 3Oz | Calories: 70kcal | Carbohydrates: 16g | Protein: 2g | Sodium: 30mg | Potassium: 210mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 0.5g | Vitamin C: 2mg
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