How To Cut A Cantaloupe

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It’s very easy to cut a cantaloupe into chunks.  Don’t waste money on pre-cut cantaloupe in plastic fruit trays or fruit cups – not only they are expensive, but also not as fresh, as they’ve been sitting on the store shelves for a while.

When you cut a cantaloupe yourself, you will enjoy tasty cantaloupe pieces – lots of cantaloupe chunks!

To cut a cantaloupe into perfect bite-size pieces, just follow this easy illustrated step-by-step guide below – you will become an expert in cutting a cantaloupe and will never buy those overpriced pre-sliced fruits again!

Cut a cantaloupe in half:
Cut a cantaloupe in half

Scoop out the seeds from a cantaloupe with a spoon:
Scoop out the seeds from a cantalope with a spoon

Here’s the cantaloupe half without the seeds!
Here's the cantaloupe half without the seeds!

Cut each cantaloupe half into slices lengthwise:
Cut each cantaulope half into slices lengthwise

Cut off the peel from the cantaloupe slices:
Cut off the peel from the cantaloupe slices

Here’s the cantaloupe slice without the peel!
Here's the cantaloupe slice without the peel!

Cut each peeled cantaloupe slice into chunks:
Cut each peeled cantaloupe slice into chunks

Bowl of cantaloupe chunks, ready to eat!
Bowl of cantaloupe chunks

Now you know the easy way how to cut a cantaloupe! You might also be interested in my step-by-step guide on how to cut a watermelon.

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  1. Thank you! These are the simplest and best instructions on how to cut a melon I have come across. Helped me a lot for making an Easter party fruit tray.

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