Microwave Turkey Bacon

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It’s so easy to cook turkey bacon in the microwave! You’ll love this method for making bacon quickly for a brunch crowd or just a busy morning. Microwave Turkey Bacon cooks up crispy and delicious.

3 slices of turkey bacon on a paper towel

Turkey Bacon in the Microwave

Did you ever think of cooking of turkey bacon in the microwave? It’s the easiest way! The turkey bacon comes out tasty and perfectly cooked. Ideal for an easy breakfast, alongside other microwaved breakfast favorites. It’s a great cooking method to have in your back pocket.

You can serve this turkey bacon on its own or chop it up to use in other recipes! Try turkey bacon in sandwiches, pasta dishes, salads, or even tacos. Everybody loves bacon and turkey bacon, in particular, is full of protein and flavor. It’s perfect for low carb meals or any dish that could use a boost of lean protein.

Looking for more keto-friendly protein sources? Try cooking up Keto Eggs In A Nest With Spinach And Mushroom

, Keto Sheet Pan Shrimp Fajitas, or Keto Baked Meatballs Recipe.

hand holding slice of turkey bacon

How To Make Microwave Turkey Bacon

Start by lining a microwave-safe plate with a paper towel. Place slices of turkey bacon on top.

Heat for 2 minutes for deliciously crisp bacon.

Pull plate out of microwave. Carefully remove slices of turkey bacon from paper towel and serve!

hand holding slice of turkey bacon in front of microwave

Cooking Tips

  • A paper towel on the plate soaks up any excess grease during the cooking process
  • You can use this recipe to cook as many slices of turkey bacon as you need. The instructions and cooking time remain the same
  • Microwaves can differ– add more or less time depending on how crispy you want the turkey bacon

slices of turkey bacon in microwave

Is Microwave Turkey Bacon Healthy?

For the most part! It is processed meat, but it has far less fat and calories than regular bacon and the microwave is a healthy method for cooking it.

turkey bacon slices on a plate

Why Is Microwaving A Good Method For Cooking Bacon?

The microwave does not add any fat or additives to the bacon while cooking it. And bacon crisps up more evenly in the microwave than on a skillet or griddle. This means that microwaving bacon is a solid choice for cooking it.

Is Turkey Bacon Already Cooked When You Buy It?

No. Although it is “set” with preservatives, it is not fully cooked. Therefore, turkey bacon must be always be cooked before consuming.

How Do You Know If Turkey Bacon Is Cooked?

Check the color. Once it is fully cooked, the bacon should be shades of brown, rather than pink or translucent.

turkey bacon cooked in the microwave

What To Serve With Microwave Turkey Bacon

How about some more breakfast classics that are made quickly & easily? Try Air Fryer Oatmeal, Air Fryer Breakfast Sausage Patties, or Instant Pot Hard Boiled Eggs.

Or use this turkey bacon in delicious lunch recipes like Air Fryer Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Bagel Deli Turkey Sandwich Recipe, or Egg Salad With Bacon.

hand holding slice of microwave turkey bacon

More Breakfast Recipes To Try

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Microwave Turkey Bacon

It's so easy to cook turkey bacon in the microwave! You'll love this method for making bacon quickly for a brunch crowd or just a busy morning. Microwave Turkey Bacon cooks up crispy and delicious.
Prep Time2 minutes
Cook Time2 minutes
Total Time4 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Keyword: Microwave Turkey Bacon
Cooking Method: Microwave
Servings: 1 serving
Calories: 325kcal


  • 3 oz turkey bacon (3 slices)


  • Start by lining a microwave-safe plate with a paper towel.
  • Place slices of turkey bacon on top.
  • Heat for 2 minutes for deliciously crisp bacon.
  • Pull plate out of microwave.
  • Carefully remove slices of turkey bacon from paper towel and serve!


  • A paper towel on the plate soaks up any excess grease during the cooking process
  • You can use this recipe to cook as many slices of turkey bacon as you need. The instructions and cooking time remain the same
  • Microwaves can differ-- add more or less time depending on how crispy you want the turkey bacon
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Serving: 1g | Calories: 325kcal | Carbohydrates: 3g | Protein: 25g | Fat: 24g | Saturated Fat: 7g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 6g | Monounsaturated Fat: 9g | Cholesterol: 83mg | Sodium: 1943mg | Potassium: 336mg | Calcium: 8mg | Iron: 2mg
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