Whole Grain Pasta Barilla At Costco

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whole grain pasta barilla costco package

Pasta is generally considered to be unhealthy – it’s full of calories and low in nutritional value.  If you are looking for a healthier pasta, there is a great option – a whole grain pasta.

Whole grain pasta is made from whole wheat, so it has more fiber and protein than regular white pasta.  I really like the Barilla brand of whole wheat pasta, and the great news is that it is sold at Costco.  Costco bundles 8 boxes of whole grain pasta Barilla in one package, and it costs less than buying individual packages of this whole wheat pasta at a grocery store.  Pasta packages don’t spoil and are stored in a pantry, so buying them at Costco is great!

Each box of Whole Grain Pasta Barilla is 13.25 ounces.  The Costco package has 2 varieties of pasta: rotini and penne.  There are 4 boxes of rotini and 4 boxes of penne in the Costco package of Whole Grain Pasta Barilla.  This pasta is made with 51% whole wheat and is an excellent source of fiber.

Here’s the nutritional information for Whole Grain Pasta Barilla: serving size 2 oz, 200 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, zero saturated fat, zero trans fat, zero cholesterol, 10 mg sodium, 41 g total carbohydrate, 6 g fiber, 2 g sugar, 7 g protein, 10% iron, 15% phosphorus, 20% magnesium.  The ingredients of Whole Grain Pasta Barilla are: whole grain durum wheat flour, semolina (wheat), durum wheat flour, oat fiber.

Each serving of this whole wheat pasta has 6 grams of fiber (24% of recommended daily value) and 7 grams of protein.  That’s a really healthy pasta, and that fiber and protein really makes you full!

This Whole Grain Pasta Barilla also tastes great.  I’ve tried some other brands of whole wheat pasta that tasted mushy and weird.  The Whole Grain Pasta Barilla is the best tasting whole wheat pasta that I’ve tried and it has great texture.  If you don’t like whole wheat pasta, give this pasta Barilla a try – if you add pasta sauce, you won’t tell much of a difference between this healthy pasta and regular white pasta.

Here’s the picture of the Whole Grain Pasta Barilla rotini package:

basta barilla box

And here’s the cooked whole wheat pasta in a bowl:

bowl of whole wheat pasta

If you are looking for great recipes to make with the whole wheat pasta, check out recipe for pasta with pesto and pasta with chicken, mushroom and zucchini.

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