Start by slicing up about 1/4 of a head of green cabbage.
Heat a frying pan to high on the stovetop. Drizzle in olive oil and add cabbage. Once the oil starts sizzling, turn the heat down to medium high and stir the cabbage.
Cook the cabbage until it is tender, about 7 minutes. While cooking, continue to stir it every minute or so.
Now it's time to add the seasonings. Pour in soy sauce (or add salt). Sprinkle in pepper and garlic powder. Stir to incorporate seasonings.
Next add the eggs, however many you want in the dish. Mix the eggs in with the cabbage and continue stirring while the eggs cook. After about a minute, the eggs will be set.
Use a spatula to move cabbage and eggs to a serving plate.
Length of cooking time for cabbage will depend on amount and size of pieces of chopped cabbage. Average cooking time is 7 minutes.
You can use soy sauce or salt in this recipe
Feel free to use any seasonings you enjoy on vegetables