First prep your pears. Wash them and peel them (if that's your preference). Cut them into even slices.
Heat a skillet to high and add oil.
Arrange pears in skillet.
Wait until oil starts sizzling (about 1 minute).
Once skillet is hot, stir up the pears and reduce the heat to medium-high. Cook for about 7 minutes, stirring the pears every minute. The pears are cooked through when they are soft and tender.
Sprinkle on cinnamon and add a drizzle of honey. Use spatula to stir up pears and coat them in toppings.
Turn off heat and move pear slices to a serving plate or bowl.
Be sure to separate out the slices in the skillet for even cooking
If at any time the pears seem to be burning on one side, turn down the heat to medium